Dr. Robert Cykiert is a Board Certified ophthalmologist practicing in New York City. He is a Clinical Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at the NYU School of Medicine and an Attending Surgeon at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mt. Sinai Medical Center.
Dr. Cykiert is one of the top cataract surgeons and ophthalmologists in New York City for 5 years in a row, according to New York Magazine Best Doctors list. Dr. Cykiert is also a cornea, refractive surgery and anterior segment surgery specialist with fellowship training at the world famous and prestigious Wills Eye Hospital. Dr. Cykiert is frequently interviewed by the media on a variety of ophthalmology, eye and vision topics. Here are some of his TV and newspaper interviews: Report Artificial Retina: New tech could allow the blind to see - CBS News Vision Loss and the treatment of glaucoma - New York Times
Dr. Cykiert has broad and extensive experience with managing pseudoexfoliation glaucoma, having treated hundreds of pseudoexfoliation patients in over a thousand office visits during a period of three decades. As a top New York City cataract surgeon, he has also performed numerous cataract surgeries on pseudoexfoliation patients, and has surgically repaired many complications in pseudoexfoliation eyes that had cataract surgery by other ophthalmologists.
If you have any questions about pseudoexfoliation, pseudoexfoliation glaucoma, or pseudoexfoliation cataract surgery, feel free to contact Dr. Cykiert by sending an email to RobertCykiertMD@pseudoexfoliation.com, calling 212-922-1430, or faxing a message to 212-922-1436.